blood donors: 1 year and 4 months is the moisiversaire Doom today is 16 months!
(in this photo, he sleeps in his flat wooden
- flat adopted it very small and almost unseen when there is more)
It is always good and, like everyone, is happy that spring has finally arrived!
(here he is lying on the bag, empty, earth)
We now develop our terrace and for that, we installed some plants and flowers (not toxic for him) he is quick to munch ... His little piece of turf is expected (because he loves to eat grass) but it is being pushed not yet ready for Mr. herbivore.
(Doom nibbles my dwarf roses ...)
Whenever he can he goes out and hunting insects that go through there, it also requires a great deal of time watching birds which are constantly taunt him! Doom and from time to time, climbing on the railing of our fence to end up in court and make his visit.
I take of this article for wishing a happy moisiversaire
Diablo, a brother of Doom.