Apart from invoking her four times before the mirror and have a good command of CDS, it is possible to obtain through various means Acheron quite honorable in going to buy, for example in boutiques RPGs following
- The Lair of the Dragon
44 Boulevard Magenta 75010 Paris
Channel: http://www.lerepairedudragon.fr/
- Starplayer
16 Rue Lagrange 75005 Paris
Channel: http://www.starplayer.fr/
- LudikBazar
6 Rue Messonier
75017 Paris Website: http://www.ludikbazar.com/index.php ? cPath = 4207_4213
- For our friends from Bordeaux, all new, all beautiful Fever Game
which sells by mail: http://www.game-fever.fr/
If you want to join this elite club shops role-playing that the super class home in their dark and obscure the book shelves cursed Acheron, simply go directly to CDS editions and / or download the order form shop.
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