Monday, March 15, 2010

Bmi Chart For Women With Large Breasts

We just returned from the vet from whom we took Doom for his annual booster vaccine.

all right: the Pasha is great! It has 15 months on Friday and weighs 8 kg 350. Always
player, still cuddly, he likes more and more out on our terrace.
past two weeks, the villain has to sleep on me every night at the stroke of 4 am. Try to sleep with a cat of 8 kg on the back, purring, makes you kisses, eats your hair or patoune on your face! Luckily I love this little fort crapulus!

It's getting its molt and lose their winter coat in tufts around the house. I'm anxious to see what it will look like with her hair in summer.

Here are some pictures of our mini Lion King, still as beautiful as you can see.


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