Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Long Does Ketoconazole Take

Doom and cartons

Like many cats, our mini Lion King loves to put in boxes when he sees one. And no matter what its size.

Today was no exception to this rule and Swearing has done everything to fit into this:

Finally, he succeeded ;-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Creative Labs Model No. Sb0480 Driver

Yannick Noah - Stade de France 25.09.10

we know, listen to the metal rather than anything else; j 'I found Yannick Noah a few years ago opening for Johnny Halliday (I accompanied my mom who loves) and I was hooked! I then reviewed several times in concert.

heart My sister gave me the ticket to the Stade de France with her and Saturday, we took the TGV to Paris.

I confess that Given the very cool weather and the number of spectators expected at the concert (over 80,000), I feared not to take a lot of fun ... But
arrival at the Stadium around 16 am 30, what a surprise to see a few people waiting at the gates (which opened 2 hours later).
We moved to our own, the door Y: "Y" as Yannick, little sign of destiny.

Almost at the appointed time, the doors opened and Fabienne and I ran, despite the requests of security guards, hoping to get a good seat.

First surprise: a huge central stage.
Second surprise: we really ran to form, the central scene is endowed with many advances, there was room everywhere!
Neither one nor two, we installed the 1st row to the right of the stage barrier.

20 h 15, "The Hit Runners, a group that has very nice heated atmosphere to the sound of hits from Lady Gaga, via AC / DC, Mick Jackson.

21 h, Yannick arrives, very simply, on the stage, wearing a red jacket, a Panama, surrounded by his musicians and singers.

It took us over 2 hours 20 minutes, without any dead time and in a hot environment that made us forget the very cool weather (10 degrees).

The scene was so constituted that everybody on each side, took advantage of everyone, whether Yannick, musicians, singers or dancers, everyone turned to the rhythm of songs and each advanced (at four "corners" of the scene) was busy throughout the show (except for Manu Di Bango we have not seen and we learned of the presence on the big screen).

Yannick sang several songs from his new album "Frontiers" but also many hits such as "Lions", "Dare" (great version piano / voice that pulled me a few tears, "" Simon Papa Tara "or final" To the trees "taken over by the whole stadium.

The sound was perfect, the dancers came from very many times enliven the songs (the carriers of water "Lions", young people Children of the Earth "It looks to me" etc.. ..), and the lights were superb! Large cylinders were hung in the air after the main structure and the songs were projected images of sometimes colorful, sometimes black and white. On Song tribute to his grandfather "Dad Simon tara)" for example, was projected a photo of Yannick latter taking into his arms ... nice emotion

His parents and friends were in this forum and we saw Vip Joaquim, his older son, who has also been welcomed by the crowd.

Yannick, like his cohorts, was in great shape, was not cold either, and wandered in both t-shirt without (to our great pleasure to be barefoot ;-)), usual. He made a foray among the audience around the stage and shared some songs with guests close to him: Diziz Plague, Manu di Bango, Asa.

We spent over two hours to sing and dance and is the heart light and warm as we left the Stade de France.
Noah is generous, natural, simple: he has filled his audience that is willing to follow him during his French tour which begins in January.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why Should Tourism Be Encourage

The shepherd's pie in my way

I love shepherd's pie. At a party at which I had invited relatives, I wanted to make sure I have the right recipe. And searching the Internet, I found two different recipes that I mixed in together.
It was delicious!

Autumn's here, so good tasting!

Serves 6 :

1 kg of potatoes (I put more ...)
20 cl milk
A little cream

80 g butter Salt and pepper Nutmeg
(if you like) 100 g grated cheese

600 g ground beef
100 g of fresh bacon (you decide it yourself much better)

1 onion 2 cloves garlic 2 carrots

Parsley Finely chop the onion and garlic.

Cut carrots into tiny square pieces. Cut into small pieces


Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces.

Let them then cook in salted water about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, saute carrots in butter, then add the onion, garlic and parsley. Cook a minute or two yet.

Add to this mix the ground meat and bacon. Add salt and pepper and cook for ten minutes, stirring from time to time.

Pass the potatoes through a food mill or food mill (leave a few small pieces, your mashed potatoes will be even better).

Add the milk, cream, a little nutmeg and adjust seasoning.

Arrange in a baking dish a first layer of mashed potatoes, add the meat and then cover the rest of the puree. Sprinkle with grated cheese, put in oven about twenty minutes at 200 degrees and let brown two minutes at the end of cooking.

Serve with a green salad.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Happend To Fakku November 2010

4 years!

That 4 years already! She blew her 4 candles proudly tonight! All content with his apple pie lol!

A little gift tonight still under the guidance of Claire;) Now we can see if he likes it tomorrow!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Side Effects Of Stopping Birth Control Yaz

"The Wolfman" - Joe Johnston

Cinema Release Date: February 10, 2010
With Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt ...
No children under 12 years

"Lawrence Talbot is a tortured aristocrat that the disappearance of his brother forced to return to the family estate. Forced to get closer again to his father, Talbot sets out to find his brother ... and discovers a terrible destinée.L Child of Lawrence Talbot ended in the death of his mother. Having left the sleepy hamlet of Blackmoor, he spent several decades trying to forget. But under the supplications of his brother's fiancée, Gwen Conliffe, it is Blackmoor in to help find the man she loves. He learns that a creature brutal and bloodthirsty villagers are working hard to decimate and Aberlin, a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector is there to investigate. Bringing together little by little the pieces bloody Talbot discovers an ancestral curse that transforms its victims into werewolves nights of full moon. To stop the killing and protect the woman he fell in love, he must destroy the creature lurking in the macabre forests surrounding Blackmoor. While stalking the beast infernal man haunted by the past will discover a part of himself he never suspected.

Attracted by the cast, I expected to see a film about werewolves different from what has already been done.
On this point I was disappointed. The scenario is not really different from what has been done in the genre.

By cons, it's very well filmed, the universe is recreated beautifully dark colors very beautiful, the pictures are very aesthetic.
The special effects are well done, although I found the "dumb" a little too overdone.
The movie is rather violent but without falling into the gore and the actors very well in their respective role (I was very happy to find Emily Blunt, I discovered that actress in "The Devil Wears Prada").

For fans of the genre.

Monday, September 20, 2010 Bonus

The cool glasses

Recipe borrowed from .

Ingredients (serves 8):

2 ripe avocados
300 g. surimi (grated or not) a little lemon

250 g cream cheese (the original recipe, they are square-free)
3 large tablespoons cream

dill salt and pepper

Put your glasses in surimi cut into square (or grated) equally.

Mash avocados, squeeze lime juice and salt to the slightly (so it does not blacken if you prepare in advance) and add a small tablespoon cream. Stir this mixture into your glasses.

Mash the cream cheese with a fork and mix with sour cream (depending on desired consistency, put more or less cream). Add a little chopped dill (at your option). Pepper slightly. Add to your glasses.

Cut your thinly sliced smoked salmon and arrange them in each glass.

Garnish with a sprig of dill (if you like, you can also add some salmon eggs for decoration).

Put your glasses in the fridge and serve them at the last moment. Not Opening

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Used Yamaha Grizzly 600

The book unnamed - The Blog Collective

Santa Mondega, a city in South America ignored by the rest of the world where a terrible secret slumber ... A mysterious serial killer who kills those unlucky enough to read a mysterious book with no name ... The only victim still alive, the killer, who after five years in a coma, wakes up amnesiac ...

Two cops very special, a hitman Elvis Presley impersonator, of crime lords, monks martial arts enthusiasts, a gem with a true value, a massacre in a remote monastery, a few winks at Seven and The Ring ... "

This book published anonymously on the Internet in 2007 was a great success and has consistently been published ensuite.J 've been hooked by its title, its peak of his success and good reviews, I bought it, thinking to spend a great time.
But ...

Disappointed ... I was very disappointed and I confess to having struggled to finish. Fortunately, the end has slightly caught up with everything, and yet ...

is an original thriller that's true, in light of what is usual, and rather violent.

The writing is very fluid, simple and unadorned, it is very easy to read.

But for me, the mix of genres (thriller, western, supernatural) the author gives a rough and longish side to the story ... Of course, critics say that this book could be a Tarantino paper. I myself found it rather (too) inspired by "A Dusk Till Dawn "by Robert Rodriguez. And the string for me is a little big ... Moreover, the characters have no substance, are caricatures and the author avoids any cliche.

I would not, however, that my criticism stop you from reading it, my opinion is very subjective! But if you want a consistent story, characters deep, long hours of anxiety, this book is not for you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Free Quicktime Beautiful Agony Movies

Bool of Gum

I created a new blog "Bool Gum" to do expose my portraits and other drawings.

It is here:

If you fancy taking a look, I will update regularly.
Thank you!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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face reality

That for once, I will not mention the positive points but emotional. It's all over the holidays, recklessness, no appointments, no school, well it's all finished!

And yes a week ago that the girls have returned to school and already is hard. Hard to depend on the goodwill and competence of mistresses, I'm sick to fight against prejudice and having to prove that my daughter is able to do things!

I met the new teacher who seems a bit lost to disability Lina. it is full of good will but does not know how. She is not sure that Lina understand instructions and also the organization of his class does not correspond to Lina and its difficulties. How to tell? How to Lina that is not stigmatized as disabled with a doubt about his skills? Can we give him a chance by evaluating instead of estimating it could not do because of his handicap??

It also makes me doubt the capacity of Lina and I want to then that! I'm sure she can do many things but you must let the opportunity to show ....

After 3 days, it gives us ideas into place, I must say.

short enough of a handicap that is ubiquitous as soon as one is facing an institution, and finally this is not the day is hard, it's out ...... Tired
that Lina is also not able to ask for the toilet and pee make the dentist ... All that bothers me!
Tired of running around and could not take that long to Solenn as I'd like ...

I try to see the future of Lina but I see nothing, I can not consider, I live from day to day and it bothers me that too! What is she become? The company is a kind of social pressure? Its integration you it will be successful?

That, I think it's important to write it, I know it will get better, Lina is followed by super ortho who believe in it and it feels good, I need it. Do not be alone in believing in it!

And besides that, Lina is a joy, she is charming, kind and gentle. But what would it without this handicap? An unanswered question, of course ....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Remove Stains On Vinyl Seats

New Doom

Mr. Pasha is still doing as well!

He spent very nice holidays pension Bitschoffen where he now has his habits. But this year, he was entitled to the honors: staying in the house with the owners, because they love it so much!

It has 1 year and 8 months and a very stable weight for many months: 8 kg 400. For the moment it does not grow any more, but his nose is getting bigger and it has a real pretty face Maine Coon.
The only drawback: nodes ... this is terrible! I brush every day but yet nothing was done ... Apparently, this year, molt for cats was poorly done because of the odd time, where these horrible knots (some are so huge I can not even cut them ...).

Doom has always such a good character, he is cuddly, playful, mischievous, like any good with children, especially his girlfriend Chloe, my godson, with whom he is accustomed to play since he arrived here. When at home, Doom only has eyes for her.

Some pictures of my love to chat:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hunter Heat Pump Thermostat Wiring 44860

A new school year begins ....

That it is the holidays are over!! The girls have gone back to school this Thursday, September 2!
Solenn returned to CE1 and had a little trouble the first morning but then nickel! Lina is very quite saying "bye mum, bye dad!" and this part. The reour the south is even more difficult if it goes well!

activities will resume, tennis and dance Solenn.
For Lina's schedule look like this:

school all day and center on Wednesday.
Monday: Occupational Therapy 1 / 15 days
Tuesday: Speech Therapist at 1530, that day it released earlier in the school.
Thursday: Speech therapist Padovan at 17:30.
I also subscribe to the baby gym on Saturday morning ...

not hurt for a little girl of 4 years!

Welcome back!