Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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face reality

That for once, I will not mention the positive points but emotional. It's all over the holidays, recklessness, no appointments, no school, well it's all finished!

And yes a week ago that the girls have returned to school and already is hard. Hard to depend on the goodwill and competence of mistresses, I'm sick to fight against prejudice and having to prove that my daughter is able to do things!

I met the new teacher who seems a bit lost to disability Lina. it is full of good will but does not know how. She is not sure that Lina understand instructions and also the organization of his class does not correspond to Lina and its difficulties. How to tell? How to Lina that is not stigmatized as disabled with a doubt about his skills? Can we give him a chance by evaluating instead of estimating it could not do because of his handicap??

It also makes me doubt the capacity of Lina and I want to then that! I'm sure she can do many things but you must let the opportunity to show ....

After 3 days, it gives us ideas into place, I must say.

short enough of a handicap that is ubiquitous as soon as one is facing an institution, and finally this is not the day is hard, it's out ...... Tired
that Lina is also not able to ask for the toilet and pee make the dentist ... All that bothers me!
Tired of running around and could not take that long to Solenn as I'd like ...

I try to see the future of Lina but I see nothing, I can not consider, I live from day to day and it bothers me that too! What is she become? The company is a kind of social pressure? Its integration you it will be successful?

That, I think it's important to write it, I know it will get better, Lina is followed by super ortho who believe in it and it feels good, I need it. Do not be alone in believing in it!

And besides that, Lina is a joy, she is charming, kind and gentle. But what would it without this handicap? An unanswered question, of course ....


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